Interpreting Scripture And What It Says About Who We Are

interpreting scripture

Moving away from the “tried and true” grammatical-historical methodology of interpreting Scripture, a hermeneutic that has served us well over the years, some are toying with the historical-critical methodology, a hermeneutic in which the Scriptures are afforded no a priori standing. Those who are embracing this “leaving”-and-“cleaving” process think the Bible must be interpreted by the latest “facts” of “modern modern science,” as the late Francis Schaeffer called contemporary man’s obsession with naturalistic philosophy (cf. The Church At The End Of The 20th Century, p. 13). It is shocking to hear of the influence “modern modern science” and liberal theology are having, with even elders/bishops affirming the age of the earth to be somewhere in the vicinity of 4.7 billion years old. One of these, I’m told, has made it known he does not even believe that Adam was the first human. Others refuse to take a stand, claiming to be agnostic on the whole issue. Brethren, it is later than some of us have thought. Is it not appropriate, then, to ask, “when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?”

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